Work Experience
Software Engineer





Server Hosting
AWS,Digital Ocean,Cpanel

Mobile App Development

UI Design
Adobe XD


1. Lead Software Engineer @ Tescode I.T Services (September, 2017 - Present)

As a Lead Software Engineer at Tescode I.T Services i am responsible for development of clients projects and also working directly with clients to ensure projects are serving the purpose for developing.

Some Projects Worked On

Project Title

Development of Dental Clinic Management Software for Active Point Dental Clinic Ltd.

Project Details

Active Point Dental Clinic Ltd is one of the leading dental healthcare providers in Ghana(with 5 branches across country as of April 2022). Due to their plan of expansion of the dental business across the country,the owner, Dr. Henry Senyah thought it will be prudent to contract the development of such a system to a business or someone who could help them expand seamlessly while monitoring activities at the business with software.


The whole design and development of the Dental Clinic Management Software was contracted to Tescode I.T Services by Active Point Dental Clinic Ltd. This was a projects that i handled alone from start to finish and now providing maintenance support.

First, i visited their main branch in Kumasi where i observed how the various departments handled interactions and processes with clients. I then sat down with the owner to discuss my observations and ways i think my software will help mitigate some of the challenges and also in the process help save the business money.

I proposed the integration of SMS messaging in the software so that when clients make payments they will be alerted immediately via SMS of details of payments. Also,i proposed the introduction of a memo system where if some money needed to be disbursed for any purpose a request has to be sent via software and person approving the expenditure listed. The total amount of expense entered is sent to business owner via SMS in other to ensure transparency and accountability.

Due to the success of the Dental Clinic Management Software, Tescode I.T Services was contracted to build a website for the business which i completed.The website now provide a great avenue for new clients that they never thought of.I also integrated SMS to the contact form submission so prompt response can be rendered to potential clients.

The web app was built to be robust and online to ensure that the business owner and accountant can login at any time and monitor what is going on at the business. I was the sole developer of the whole Dental Clinic Management Software and currently providing support where needed.
Click Here to visit Active Point Dental Clinic Ltd Website


This software has made it easy to track the expenses of the business as well as ensuring transparency,trust and speed in the delivery of services at the dental clinic. The business has seen income increment since any financial leakage is blocked.

I remember the accountant telling me that my software helped him complete his monthly financial summay for the branches in minutes instead of days since previously he had to travel to all branches and collate all financial information for the month. The goal of having a software that will help them ensure seamless expansion was achieved since they have added 3 more making 5 (as of April 2022).

Project Title

Development of Membership Tracking Software for ASSI - Association of Small Scale Industries(Ghana - Ashanti Region Branch).

Project Details

Tescode I.T Services was contracted to build a Membership Tracking Software for ASSI - Association of Small Scale Industries(Ghana - Ashanti Region Branch). I was the Lead Developer for the project and worked on project from start to finish.In a startup environment its common to handle whole project and that is what i did.

Project Title

Development of Business Resilience Programme (BRP) Software for Loan Acquisition for ASSI - Association of Small Scale Industries(Ghana - Ashanti Region Branch).

Project Details

Tescode I.T Services was contracted to build a Business Resilience Programme (BRP) Software for Loan Acquisition for ASSI - Association of Small Scale Industries(Ghana - Ashanti Region Branch). This project was meant to help keep records and provide criteria in terms of providing financial support in the form of loans to small business as the effects of the pandemic was felt by them. I was the Lead Developer for the project and worked on project from start to finish.

Project Title

Development of Invenki. System - Sales and Inventory Software.

Project Details

This was a side project i worked on to build a sales and inventory system for small and medium sized businesses.Its packed with features that will be helpful to such businesses.
View details of project from here

2. Software Engineer @ Mak-Edu Consult Limited (June, 2016 - September, 2017)

At Mak-Edu Consult Limited i worked as a Software Engineer with a variety of different languages, platforms and frameworks such as JavaScript,PHP,Codeigniter and Laravel on clients' projects.

Some Projects Worked On

Project Title

Development of Computer-based Migration Data Processing System for Ghana Immigration Service.

Project Details

To address the challenges of migration, the Ghana Immigration Service (GIS) with funding from the European Union, worked on the Ghana Integrated Migration Management Approach (GIMMA) project with the International Organization for Migration (IOM), to establish a system to make disaggregated migration data available for better policy planning. The GIS, like in many developing countries, lacked a joint data management platform. Therefore, migration data were scattered across agencies and ministries, hampering the sharing of data for policy development.

Also, referral procedures between stakeholders were unclear and data collection and sharing were neither coherent nor coordinated. Migration cards which are also called Embarkation/Disembarkation (E/D) cards were given to migrants to track migration data generated at all the entry/exit points in Ghana. However, the data on the cards generated at the entry/exit points in Ghana were not fully captured electronically, thus there was an important backlog of cards and piles of paper-based records from 2000.

To enhance migration data management for better policy planning, the development of a functional electronic system was needed to strengthen coordination for proper migration trend analysis and forecast migration patterns to devise strategies to manage migration in a more humane and safe way.


The design and development of the data processing and sharing system were contracted to Mak-Edu Consult Ltd by International Organization for Migration (IOM).

The system was designed to retrieve the information on migration cards through scanning. The technical team in collaboration with the GIS staff scanned about 1.8 million migration cards from the 2015 migration data. The system was tailored based on the registration, report generation, system administration and integrated content management.

The online-based data processing system was designed to ensure data security, data integrity, the establishment of defaults to facilitate data entry, safeguards against accidental erasing, provide data backup and recovery procedures and enhance report formats. I was part of the key Software Engineers responsible for the development of the system.


Developing an electronic data processing system that provides disaggregated and timely migration data, is helping the GIS to support the Government of Ghana to make analysis for better policy planning. Now, the wealth of information collated on migration will not be lost with the passage of time due to inadequate and inappropriate storage space and facilities or the effect of the weather.

Project Title

Proforest Field Audit Application

Project Details

Proforest is a non-profit group that conducts audits such as mill verification and RSPO audits which is aimed at helping primary agricultural producers and processors to adopt best management practices to enhance sustainability.

To support companies, governments, and other organizations to implement their commitments to the responsible production and sourcing of agricultural commodities and forest products, Proforest identified the need for a customized Proforest Field Audit App to allow field auditors to access and process audit information faster and easier.

To facilitate easy referencing and efficient data collection and processing, without relying on large volumes of paper documents, Proforest Ghana set out to develop a customized Proforest Field Audit App.


The design and development of Proforest’s Field Audit App were contracted to Mak-Edu Consult Ltd by Proforest. The Mak-Edu Consult Technical team scoped through the requirements of the App to understand the key features needed and the user interface preferred, in providing a functional and easy-to-use application for their field management and auditing processes.

The app was tailored based on the yield monitoring, field monitoring, integrated content management, reporting and system administration modules

The app was built to feature web-based components for audit preparation and reporting to provide all the relevant information such as guidance and legislation to anyone using the Field Audit App in the field. I was tasked to work on the web app of the system and provide api endpoints for the mobile app to send and receive data.


The app has provided practitioners with a free, easy-to-use mobile platform to collect audit findings on the field, collaborate with their team on field projects, and consult supporting guidance both online and offline. The application has also been used for project management functions. Baseline assessment and field audits have been made easier and faster with the application. This has improved the operations of the field practitioners and the auditing process.